Planned Giving

Pooled Income Fund: FAQs

How is a Pooled Income Fund invested?Layer Closed

A Pooled Income Fund is invested to produce a reasonable income for all income beneficiaries who own units (or shares) in the fund. It works much like a mutual fund whereby a donor invests in the fund and the dollars invested by all the donors are pooled and invested in a common fund to produce income for all income beneficiaries depending on the number of units (or shares) they own in the fund.

Can I make future gifts to my pooled income account?Layer Closed

Absolutely! You can make additional contributions to your pooled income account at any time, and thereby increase the number of units you own in the fund, which will increase your income.

It is better to give cash or appreciated securities?Layer Closed

Gifts of cash or securities to a Pooled Income Fund produce the same result as to the income and charitable deductions you will receive. However, gifts of appreciated securities have the additional benefit of avoiding capital gains taxes.



Create a Lasting Legacy

Philanthropic planning is a powerful mechanism for meeting personal estate planning objectives while making a meaningful impact on the College’s initiatives and mission. At Indian River State College, we welcome the opportunity to work with estate planners to ensure that your clients find the charitable arrangements that best meet their needs.

Estate-planning options can achieve significant tax benefits while furthering a client’s philanthropic goals:

  • Gifts through a will or trust
  • Charitable trusts and gift annuities
  • Donation of stocks and mutual funds

If your client has already included or intends to include Indian River State College in their will or estate plan, or if you would like someone from IRSC Institutional Advancement to contact you to discuss how to support IRSC as part of their estate planning strategy, please contact us.

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