Planned Giving

Deferred Gift Annuity: FAQs

How can this gift enhance my retirement savings?Layer Closed

A Deferred Gift Annuity provides lifetime annuity payments commencing at a future date.  Because of this deferral, payments from deferred gift annuities are higher than from annuities whose payments begin immediately, and donors usually receive a larger charitable deduction than they would for an immediate-payment annuity.  Many donors use deferred gift annuities as a source of supplemental retirement income.  They often create their annuity with funds they had already set aside for retirement savings, and set their anticipated retirement as the date to begin receiving payments.  An attractive option is to establish a series of deferred gift annuities over several years, all scheduled to begin payments upon the donor's retirement.

May I choose the start date for my annuity payments?Layer Closed

Yes, you may. Choose whatever date makes sense to you. And remember this: the longer you wait, the larger your payments will be.

Is it better to use gifts of cash or stock for my deferred gift annuity?Layer Closed

One is not necessarily better than the other. Both have distinct advantages. A gift of cash will produce a larger tax-free portion of the annuity. A gift of stock will reduce the donor’s capital gain tax. Both assets produce an equal annuity rate and charitable income tax deduction.

Do I need to choose the start date for annuity payments now?Layer Closed

With the flexible start date option, you can set a number of years as a target range to begin receiving payments. Then you can wait to choose your payment start date until you're ready. Because your annuity rate will be determined by your age and the number of years you wait to receive the first payment, your lifelong income payment rate will increase each year you decide to delay your first payment.

Consider a flexible gift annuity.



Create a Lasting Legacy

Philanthropic planning is a powerful mechanism for meeting personal estate planning objectives while making a meaningful impact on the College’s initiatives and mission. At Indian River State College, we welcome the opportunity to work with estate planners to ensure that your clients find the charitable arrangements that best meet their needs.

Estate-planning options can achieve significant tax benefits while furthering a client’s philanthropic goals:

  • Gifts through a will or trust
  • Charitable trusts and gift annuities
  • Donation of stocks and mutual funds

If your client has already included or intends to include Indian River State College in their will or estate plan, or if you would like someone from IRSC Institutional Advancement to contact you to discuss how to support IRSC as part of their estate planning strategy, please contact us.

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